Simcoe North Candidate 2019, 2021,202X

Meet Stephen Makk, Simcoe North Candidate for the People's Party of Canada

STM Smiling


Hello.   I am a Canadian.

I love Canada, the land where I was born, raised, educated and employed, because here in Canada,

I have been free.    

  • Free to spend my life doing what I want to.
  • Free to make my own decisions.
  • Free to say what I want to say.
  • Free to raise my children how I see fit.
  • Free to run my business the way I wanted. 

I have had an interesting and meaningful life so far.  I wish this for everyone.   That is why I am running for office.

My name is Stephen Makk.   

I live and work in Victoria Harbour, on the shores of beautiful Georgian Bay, where I spent my childhood summers, and I’m here to stay.

I am an electronics engineer with over 30 years of experience in technical, managerial and executive roles.

Today, I run a family business, with our name on the door, employing people from our own community.    

I enjoy the outdoors and care about nature.   I like art, music and literature.   

I love teaching children, and learning from them.

I am into ideas, both old and new, both conventional and sometimes radical.

I want to serve you as your member of parliament.  I can be a strong voice for all Simcoe North residents, regardless of political beliefs.

I have listened carefully to all our other candidates, and to the people I have met in Simcoe North. 

I try to understand all positions that are different from mine, because if elected, I might have to argue those positions effectively.   

As a PPC candidate, I must defend all speech to keep it free.   I must learn more than I teach.

I’m a newcomer to politics.   I have never felt that any of the political parties spoke for me or was a place where I belonged.   

I didn’t really care.    I was “free enough”.

But lately, I do care.  Now, I am concerned.  

I am concerned about the direction that our culture and politics are heading, (or are being dragged?).

Our freedoms are being eroded!  But a solution exists.

When Maxime Bernier started the People’s Party of Canada, he got my attention.  Here was something I could get behind!   A political home, and a flag I want to wave.  I have always admired Max, but now that he was leading a party with a distinctly libertarian bent, that was speaking truth to excessive government, against high taxes, corporate welfare, identity politics, interest groups and political correctness, I felt it was time to get personally involved in the public debate, or perhaps more accurately, address the growing lack of debate.

The PPC is doing politics differently

We’re going to hit the reset button on an out of control, relentlessly growing, and misdirected government.

I realize that the concept of “less government” is new, unfamiliar, or even scary to many Canadians. There is much work I must do to do to explain its benefits.   

More freedom is good for everybody, regardless of one’s political leanings.     

We attract people who understand that the people know how to lead their own lives better than any government can.   

You can make your own decisions on how to spend or save your money, what businesses deserve your patronage or investment, what charities deserve your support, how to minimize your environmental impact, what to teach your children, even what to eat.   

When government gets pushed back, you can step forward.

I see Canada as a team of free people voluntarily sharing a unity of purpose.  

Citizens, not subjects.    

Individuals, not groups.  

Government needs to do what we say, and concentrate on the issues that we say are important, not the other way around.

I trust that you are open minded.  

If you care about individual freedom, understand that freedom is only meaningful when coupled with personal responsibility, and want to treat all individuals with fairness and respect, then please take the time to find out more about the People’s Party of Canada.

I realize that most of you have normally supported candidates from other parties.   Please consider that I might still be your best representative in Ottawa, even if I am not a member of your preferred party.   If I am successful in this election, and the Speaker of the House gives me my chance to speak, he would address me as "The Honourable Member from Simcoe North", and not mention any party affiliation.   To fulfill the obligation that this honorific entails is exactly what I would set out to do.  To serve Simcoe North with honour.  I would respect the guidance and wisdom of the PPC platform, and respectfully take my party leader's advice into consideration, but in the end those things would be secondary to the interests of the people of Simcoe North.   You would be my bosses.    This is my "job application".  It is addressed to YOU.

I’d like to hear from you, about your ideas on how to make Canada Stronger and more Free.

I too, will strive to keep an open mind, and an open door.


An article about Stephen Makk's business

Showing 19 comments

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  • Johnathon Montgomery
    commented 2021-09-09 17:20:19 -0400
    Hey liz,

    Goto this link:
    Request here!!
  • Liz Sullivan
    commented 2021-09-09 16:59:29 -0400
    How do I get a sign for my front lawn
  • Johnathon Montgomery
    commented 2021-09-07 19:30:37 -0400
    Send your sign requests to:

  • Luke McAuley
    commented 2021-09-07 18:16:37 -0400
    Put as many signs as you can at my place! 13367 county rd 16 waubushene…go PPC
  • Leigh Elzas
    commented 2021-09-07 17:44:43 -0400
    For anyone who needs a lawn sign —>
  • Christopher Lachance
    commented 2021-09-07 17:05:20 -0400
    I need a ppc sign please
  • Leigh Elzas
    commented 2021-09-06 23:28:55 -0400
    I’m here for it 🙏🏼
  • Bev Lewis
    commented 2021-09-06 22:16:40 -0400
    I would like a sign at 4296 Orkney Beach Rd. In Ramara please 😊
  • Cathy Murphy
    commented 2021-09-06 17:21:05 -0400
    Would love a sign at Driftwood cove in Port Severn
  • Douglas Diver
    commented 2021-09-06 14:50:08 -0400
    A sign at 2501 Rumney Rd.
  • Johnathon Montgomery
    commented 2021-09-05 22:48:22 -0400
    Yo Stephen
    Would love a sign at 23 Cindy Lee Cres
    We can burn the PC sign!!!!
  • Dean Hornick
    commented 2021-09-05 12:29:17 -0400
    Can you please put a sign up at 30 Courtland Street in Atherley
  • Chris Michniacki
    commented 2021-09-04 12:28:27 -0400
    Hello Stephen
    I would like one of your signs on my lawn
    for 6414 Line 2 Ramara
  • Gerry Chaput
    commented 2021-09-03 20:42:06 -0400
    Hey Stephen aren’t you going to be at Patterson Park in Port McNicoll on Saturday at 12:30 attending a family fun day and BBQ?
  • Cheryl Laugalys
    commented 2021-09-02 14:47:44 -0400
    Can you post a link here on your mobile site for the 2 events you have coming up this month please? I can’t find them here. I would like to promote them on my social media for my area.

    Thank you,
    Cheryl of Orillia
  • Gary Joliat
    commented 2021-08-29 21:59:56 -0400
    I want a free country for my family to live in. It starts with real change. That’s why I’ll vote PPC and not conservative.
  • Stephen Makk
    published this page 2021-07-19 09:47:58 -0400
  • Stephen Makk
    published this page 2019-10-21 10:31:41 -0400
  • Kevin Gordon
    commented 2019-10-11 17:40:53 -0400
    I’m supporting the PPC party to preserve Canada’s identity, morality and history.
    I love my country.
    The PPC party will become much more popular as people educate themselves.

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